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Started by chris, May 29, 2017, 08:23:15 AM

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uniques77777 fake selling .............. first week 2018


augusta_fine_arts  and five_stars_five are probably other IDs of uniques77777 ?



Quote from: Archaic on January 11, 2018, 12:31:39 PM
augusta_fine_arts  and five_stars_five are probably other IDs of uniques77777 ?


Yes for sure. All IDs with seller locations in USA. Two with item location Bulgaria. Augusta_fine_art with item location Munich, Germany, almost neighbor of Bulgaria :-)


Well, that's what I call prompt service
every day a new legion ring fake - one worse than the other -

The leg. VI fake is dumbing down the fake collector. One is not even sold and then comes the second.


The more ebay buyers complain about this untrustworthy seller and its two fake branches (five_stars_five and augusta_fine_arts) because of fake selling , the more ebay seems to support him.

high live the 10% final value fees that allow ebay to cover morale if it ever existed.


his augusta_fine_arts branch is now also increasingly offering legion ring fakes. Currently two counterfeits from the Bulgarian fraud program


amazing. Ebay does not care about the masses of reported fakes. But yesterday the spintria fake (sex scene, last fake from above post) was still free to view. Today it is "banished". Only mature ebay users are allowed to see the engraving.
Let's summarize ......... fakes allowed on ebay in general. Fakes with a sex scene are only available to selected fake collectors over the age of 18. Now the phallus pendants and vagina engraving have to follow.

What a hypocrisy


every day two to three - sometimes more - Roman and Viking fakes. Pendants, bracelets and rings. There is always a legion ring fake - every day = 30-31 counterfeit legion rings per month = 36o-365 per year :-)

And the buyers still believe in the authenticity? Maybe they think the leg rings were made by machine and all of them "survived" millennia in Bulgaria.


groundhog day.................................................

every day a new legion ring fake, wow - no buyer gets suspicious?


Last week of January 2018....................33 fakes from one seller only

I have never experienced anything like it. This crook was reported last month more than 50 times as a fake seller to ebay. But ebay did not seem interested in that. Only the status feedback that ebay cares, but top secret.

How does that "ebay cares" look like?


anno 2015 from,1152.0.html

According to the police, there are between 20 and 50 skilled forgers working actively in Bulgaria in "different fields" of forgery such as coins, ceramics, gold (silver) jewelry. The top performers among those, however, are about a dozen.


fake galore  - each day one to two new legion fakes and countless Viking counterfeits -


these are the fake legion rings (last pic with add. legion pendants) sold from uniques77777 only from January 12, to February 8, 2018. The gold legion ring fakes from same seller are not included


fake-ticker......... same seller, uniques77777, five_stars_five, augusta_fine_arts and alexander_art_classic

February 11, 2018 = total 67 counterfeits offered .....................................and daily new fakes are added


Today, 18 February 2018, 12 "new" fakes from Uniques77777 and one of its branches augusta_fine_arts are added to their current faks listing

The fakes of uniques77777 are no longer commented on the pictures. The amount of fakes offered must make every "collector" suspicious.
Now it's time for the fake collectors to draw their own conclusions